Tuesday, March 15, 2016


    I'm assuming by this point I'm late to the party as far as blog posts about our recent teacher vs. cops (and firemen) basketball game. From the conversations I've had with my "teammates" about the game, we all seem to have come up with the same conclusion...We had a great time, but boy did we feel it the next day(s).

    If you know me, you know that I was not born to play basketball. Honestly, you could divine that just by looking at a picture of me. I'm five foot nothing and run like I"m walking up an escalator in the wrong direction.  Still, it was a great time playing against those police officers and firemen. Those guys are giants. I commented to Officer Woolverton that he'd probably be the tallest guy on our team if he was playing for us. Webb City should feel lucky to have those guys helping out the town.  We won the game based on our terrific ability to hit 7 and 10 point shots with relative ease. I wonder if those officers moved as slowly as I did the next day.

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